Tech & data analytics

I’ve written a variety of articles covering data analytics and broader tech topics. These are all published on the CareerFoundry blog.

  • What is data analytics?

    A beginner-friendly guide to data analytics, published on the CareerFoundry blog.

  • What is data visualization?

    A guide explaining what data visualization is—geared towards data analytics beginners.

  • What are the different types of data analysis?

    An in-depth article explaining descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive, and predictive analytics.

  • Which tech career path is right for you?

    A guide to different tech career paths (and how to find the right one for you).

  • How to become a web developer

    A career guide for aspiring web developers, published on the CareerFoundry blog.

  • What is HTML?

    A simple introduction to HTML, explaining what it is and how it works.


Blog articles: UX design & design thinking


Blog articles: Women in tech